Intro to assets: Next steps#

🎉 Congratulations! Having reached this far, you now have a working, tested set of software-defined assets.

What if you want to do more?

  • Automating asset materialization - This tutorial covered how to manually materialize assets. Dagster can also kick off materializations automatically: on fixed schedules or when a sensor says to.
  • Partitioning assets - This tutorial covered assets whose entire contents get re-computed and overwritten with every materialization. When assets are large, it’s common to partition them, so that each run only materializes a single partition.
  • Customizing asset storage - The assets in this tutorial were materialized as pickle files on the local filesystem. IO managers let you customize how and where assets are stored - e.g. as tables in Snowflake or Parquet files in S3.
  • Non-asset jobs - This tutorial showed you how to work with Dagster's primary building block, assets. However, sometimes you'll have tasks that don't produce assets. To learn how to execute tasks, check out the Intro to ops and jobs guide.