Intro to Software-defined assets: Getting set up#

To complete this tutorial, you'll need:

  • To install Python and pip. This tutorial assumes that you have some familiarity with Python, but you should be able to follow along even if you’re coming from a different programming language. To check that Python and the pip package manager are already installed in your environment or install them, follow the instructions here.

    Dagster requires Python 3.7+ and has been tested on Python 3.10, 3.9, 3.8, and 3.7.

  • To install Dagster, Dagit, and the requests library:

    pip install dagster dagit requests

    This installs a few packages:

    • Dagster. The core programming model and abstraction stack; stateless, single-node, single-process and multi-process execution engines; and a CLI tool for driving those engines. Refer to the Dagster installation guide for more info, including how to ensure your environment is set up correctly.
    • Dagit: The web-based UI for developing and operating Dagster jobs, including a DAG browser, a type-aware config editor, and a live execution interface.
    • Requests: While not a part of Dagster, we'll use this in the tutorial to download data from the internet.

Ready to get started?#

When you've fulfilled all the prerequistes for the tutorial, you can get started creating your first asset.